Länder-Info Austria
Facts & Figures
Capital: | Vienna |
Area | 83.871 km² |
Population: | about 8,97 million |
Country ID: | A |
Electricity | 230 volts (you might need an adaptor)/ 50 Hertz alternating current |
Time: | CET; Summertime: last Sunday of March - last Sunday in October: CET +1h |
Neighbouring Countries: |
Before Travelling
Personal documents
Citizens of EU member states, European Economic Area (EEA) and Switzerland do not need a visa for entering the Republic of Austria.
Nationals of other countries might require a visa in order to enter the Schengen Area or the Austrian territory. Please check the information on whether you require a visa or not on the website of the Federal Ministry of the Interior.
Foreigners who are not nationals of an EEA state or Switzerland and who wish to pursue gainful employment or a short-term activity similar to gainful employment (e.g. internship) always require a visa (see also “Temporary work visa”).
Nationals of those states for which the visa requirement has been lifted by means of an EU regulation are entitled to visa-free entry to Austria for a maximum of 90 days per 180 days in case of no gainful employment.
For further information please contact the Austrian Embassy (consular department) in your home country or visit www.bmeia.gv.at/en/.
Motor vehicle documents
Entering Austria with a motor vehicle
Foreign travellers residing in the European Union entering Austria with a motor vehicle require their national driving licence and registration certificate. Travellers of other countries require a German translation or an international driving licence.
For further details please contact your local Automobile Club.
The car distinguishing sign of the country of origin must be displayed on the rear of foreign vehicles.
Import goods, duties and taxes
Entry into Austria from a member state of the European Union
Goods imported for non-commercial purposes in the luggage of the visitor may be imported free of duty and taxes in the quantities indicated.
There are no limits for the importation of goods purchased in an EU country provided that these goods are destined for the importer's personal use. However, the Excise department has fixed indicative limits on alcohol and tobacco. Beyond these limits the importer must be able to prove that these goods are for his personal use.
Quantities | Product |
800 pieces | Cigarettes |
400 pieces | Cigarillos (at the most 3 g each) |
200 pieces | Cigars |
1 kg | Tobacco |
10 litres | Spirits |
90 litres | Wine (of which max. 60 litres of sparkling wine) |
110 litres | Beer |
Entry into Austria from a non EU member state/non European state
Quantities | Product |
200 pieces | Cigarettes or |
100 pieces | Cigarillos (with at the most 3 g each) or |
50 pieces | Cigars or |
250 grams | tobacco or |
a proportionate combination of these items |
Quantities | Product |
1 litre | alcohol, distilled beverages and spirits with an alcohol content exceeding 22% vol. (volume percent), undenatured ethyl alcohol of 80% vol. and over or |
2 litres | alcohol and alcoholic beverages with an alcohol content not exceeding 22% vol., or |
a proportionate combination of these items and in addition | |
4 litres | non-sparkling wine |
16 litres | beer |
amounts consistent with your personal needs during the trip.
Without authorisation travellers resident in the EU are allowed to import medication to Austria they carried already with them on their departure. Import of medication bought abroad is only permitted up to an amount of three (retailer) packages each per person.
Other Goods
with a cumulative value of EUR 430 for airline travellers or EUR 300 for all other travellers per calendar day. For travellers younger than 15 years those amounts are generally reduced to EUR 150.
Import prohibitions and restrictions also have to be considered when importing above mentioned duty-free goods.
Travellers may not combine their duty allowances.
Bringing a dog or cat
International vaccination (EU pet passport) certificate necessary. Rabies vaccination at least 30 days and not more than 12 months before crossing the border.
More Information: www.bavg.gv.at/en/import/living-animals/travel
Any motor vehicle or trailer registered abroad and travelling in Austria must be covered by third-party insurance recognised in Austria. Vehicles (including trailers and mopeds) bearing an official valid registration plate need not be covered by a Green Card when circulating in Austria. The national insurance policy is sufficient.
A Green Card is required for vehicles registered in: Albania, Belarus, Iran, Israel, Northmacedonia, Moldova, Morocco, Montenegro, Tunisia, Turkey, Ukraine
Getting there
Border Station Switzerland | Opposite Side | Kind of Vehicle; Type of Border Station |
Opening Hours |
Martinsbruck (T) | Martina | All Kind of Vehicles ; International border crossing |
5 am - 11 pm.; |
Pfunds (T) | Martina | All Kind of Vehicles ; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Spiss (T) | Martina | All Kind of Vehicles ; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Liechtenstein (south to north) | |||
Tisis (Vbg.) | Schaanwald | All Kind of Vehicles ; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Tosters (Vbg.) | Mauren | All Kind of Vehicles ; International border crossing |
24 hours; +43 (0)5522/ 72402 |
Nofels (Vbg.) | Ruggell | All Kind of Vehicles ; International border crossing |
24 hours; +43 (0)5522/ 72128 |
Switzerland (south to north) | |||
Bangs (Vbg.) | Lienz | All Kind of Vehicles ; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Meiningen (Vbg.) | Oberriet | All Kind of Vehicles ; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Koblach (Vbg.) | Montlingen | All Kind of Vehicles ; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Mäder (Vbg.) | Kriessern | All Kind of Vehicles ; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Hohenems (Vbg.) | Diepoldsau | All Kind of Vehicles ; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Schmitterbrücke (Vbg.) | Diepoldsau | All Kind of Vehicles ; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Wiesenrain (Vbg.) | Widnau | All Kind of Vehicles ; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Lustenau (Vbg.) | Au | All Kind of Vehicles ; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Höchst (Vbg.) | St. Margrethen | All Kind of Vehicles ; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Gaißau (Vbg.) | Rheineck | All Kind of Vehicles ; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
T = Tyrol; Vbg. = Vorarlberg
Border Station | Opposite side | Kind of Vehicle; Type of Border Station | Opening hours |
Schöneben (OÖ) | Zadni Zvonkova | Personal cars, lorries up to 3,5 t and buses (one-way traffic for buses: 8am - 1pm from CZ to A, 2pm - 8pm A to CZ), pedestrians, cyclists, cross-country skiers, skiers, small motor-bikers; International Border crossing | 24 hours; |
Guglwald (OÖ) | Predny Vyton | Personal cars up to 3,5 t; International border crossing | 24 hours; |
Weigetschlag (OÖ) | Studanky | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Wullowitz (OÖ) | Dolni Dvoriste | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Phyrabruck (NÖ) | Novy Hrady | Personal cars, buses, cyclists, pedestrians; Citizens without visa duty |
24 hours; |
Gmünd (NÖ) | Ceske Velenice | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing cyclists, pedestrians; Citizens without visa duty |
24 hours; |
Neunagelberg (NÖ) | Halamky | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Litschau/ Schlag (NÖ) | Chlum u Trebone | cyclists, pedestrians; horse riders, Citizens without visa duty |
1.4.-31.10.: 24 hours - 1.11.-31.3.: 24 hours; |
Grametten (NÖ) | Nova Bystrice | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Fratres (NÖ) | Slavonjice | Personal cars up to 3,5 t; International border crossing |
6-24; |
Oberthürnau (NÖ) (Drosendorf) | Vratenjin | Tourist travel only, personal cars up to max. 3,5 t; Citizens without visa duty |
24 hours; |
Hardegg (NÖ) | Cicov | cyclists, pedestrians, skiers; Citizens without visa duty |
24 hours; |
Mitterretzbach(NÖ) | Hnanice | Tourist travel only, personal cars up to max. 3,5 t; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Kleinhaugsdorf (NÖ) | Hate | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Laa a.d. Thaya (NÖ) | Hevlin | Lorries up to 3,5t actual load and 6 t overall weight; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Drasenhofen (NÖ) | Mikulov | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Schrattenberg (NÖ) | Valtice | Personal cars up to 3,5 t, Tourist travel only; EU-Nationals cyclists, pedestrians; Citizens without visa duty |
24 hours; |
Reintal (NÖ) | Pastorna | Personal cars up to 3,5 t, Tourist travel only; EU-Nationals cyclists, pedestrians; Citizens without visa duty |
24 hours; |
OÖ = upper austria; NÖ = lower austria
Border Station | Opposite side | Kind of Vehicle; Type of Border Station | Opening hours; |
Kleintaxen (NÖ) | Kostálkov | Pedestrians, bikers, skiers, horse riders | 01.04.-31.10.: 6am - 10pm 01.11.-31.03.: 8am - 8pm |
Schaditz (NÖ) | Hluboká | Motorbikes, pedestrians, bikers, skiers, horse riders | 01.04.-31.10.: 6am - 10pm 01.11.-31.03.: 8am - 8pm |
Heinrichsreith (NÖ) | Stálky | Pedestrians, bikers, skiers, horse riders | 01.04.-31.10.: 6am - 10pm 01.11.-31.03.: 8am - 8pm |
Langau (NÖ) | Safov | Pedestrians, bikers, skiers, horse riders | 01.04.-30.09.: 8am - 10pm 01.10.-31.03.: 8am - 8pm |
Felling (NÖ) | Podmyce | Pedestrians, bikers, skiers | 01.04.-31.10.: 6am - 10pm 01.11.-31.03.: 8am - 8pm |
Hardegg (NÖ) | Cizov | Pedestrians, bikers, skiers | 01.04.-31.10.: 6am - 10pm 01.11.-31.03.: 8am - 8pm |
Mitterretzbach (NÖ) | Hnanice | Pedestrians, bikers, horse riders | 01.04.-31.10.: 6am - 10pm 01.11.-31.03.: 8am - 10pm |
Seefeld/Kadolz (NÖ) | Jaroslavice | Motorbikes, pedestrians, bikers, horse riders | 01.04.-31.10.: 8am - 8pm |
Alt Prerau (NÖ) | Novy Prerov | Motorbikes, pedestrians, bikers, horse riders | 01.04.-31.10.: 6am - 10pm 01.11.-31.03.: 8am - 8pm |
Ottenthal (NÖ) | Mikulov | Motorbikes, pedestrians, bikers, horse riders, skiers | 01.04.-31.10.: 6am - 10pm 01.11.-31.03.: 8am - 8pm |
OÖ = upper austria; NÖ = lower austria
Border Station | Opposite side | Kind of Vehicles; Type of Border Station | Opening hours |
Hohenau (Pontonbrücke) | Moravsky Sväty Jan | Lorries up to 3,5t actual load; EU-Nationals | 24 hours; |
Angern a.d. March (Ferry)* | Zahorska Ves | Personal cars up to 3,5 t; EU-Nationals | 6 am.-8 pm. no Ferry 12 am - 1 pm; |
Kittsee | Jarvoce | All Kind of Vehicles Internationaler Border Station | 24 hours; ÖAMTC-Borderstation: +43 2143/30003 |
Zollposten Kittsee | Jarovce | Personal cars up to 3,5t, Tourist travel only; EU-Nationals | 24 hours; |
Berg | Petrzalka | Personal cars up to 3,5t; Regular buses between Austria and Slowakia | 24 hours; |
* On the slovakian side the following fees will be levied for using the ferry boat: Car + driver: SKK 60 (EUR 1,45), every other person: SKK 30 (0,73), children below 15 and retirees: SKK 15 (EUR 0,36). The fees will be marked on the border crossing. Paymant only in SKK possible.
Border Station | Opposite side | Kind of Vehicles; Type of Border Station | Opening hours |
Nickelsdorf | Hegyeshalom | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; ÖAMTC-Borderstations: Süd: +43 2146/ 2184 Nord: +43 2146/3122 |
Andau | Mosonszentjanos | Pedestrians and cyclists; International border crossing |
1.4.-31.5. und 1.10.-2.11.: 24 hours, 1.6.-30.9.: 24 hours; |
Pamhagen | Fertöd | Passenger cars and buses, lorries up to 3,5t; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Mörbisch | Fertörakos | Pedestrians and cyclists; International border crossing |
1.4.-31.5. und 1.10.-2.11.: 24 hours, 1.6.-30.9.: 24 hours; |
Mörbisch | Fertörakos | Border crossing for boats; On the Austrian side at Mörbisch, nearby the stage, on the hungarian side at the firm "Dresch", at Fertörakos. Visitors don`t need a triptik for their boat. |
1.5.-15.6. und 15.9..-15.10.: 10 am - 6 pm; 16.6.-14.9.: 10 am -8 pm; |
Klingenbach | Sopron | Vehicles up to 7,5 t; International border crossing |
24 hours; ÖAMTC-Borderstation: +43 2687/48198 |
Deutschkreutz | Kophaza | Vehicles up to 7,5 t; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Lutzmannsburg | Zsira | Pedestrians, cyclists, EU-Countries | 24 hours; |
Rattendorf | Köszeg | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
1. may - 2. nov.: 24 hours, 3. nov.- 30. April: 24 hours; |
Rechnitz | Bozsok | NO Lorries, Tourist travel only; EU-Countries |
24 hours; |
Schachendorf | Szombathely | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Eberau | Szentpeterfa | Lorries up to 2,5t, Tourist travel; EU-Countries |
24 hours; |
Heiligenkreuz | Rabafüzes | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; ÖAMTC-Borderstation Rabafüzes: |
Border Station | Opposite side | Kind of Vehicle |
Sankt Margarethen | FertQrákos (Sopronpuszta) | pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders |
Schattendorf | Ágfalva | pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders |
Loipersbach | Ágfalva | pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders |
Sieggraben | Sopron (Görbehalomtelep) | pedestrians, cyclists |
Sieggraben (Herrentisch/AsztalfQ) | Sopron (Görbehalomtelep) | pedestrians, cyclists |
Ritzing (Ilonaakna/ Helenenschacht) | Sopron (Brennbergbánya) | pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders |
Neckenmarkt | Harka | pedestrians, cyclists |
Deutschkreutz | Nagycenk | pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders |
Nikitsch | Sopronkövesd | pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders |
Schandorf | Narda | pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders |
Burg (Pinkaszurdok) | FelsQcsatár | pedestrians |
Eisenberg | Vaskeresztes | pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders |
Deutsch Schützen | Pornóapáti | pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders |
Reinersdorf | Nemesmedves | pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders |
Inzenhof (Sankt Emmerich Kirche) | Rönök | pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders |
Mogersdorf (Zollhausstrasse) | Szentgotthárd | pedestrians, cyclists, horse riders |
Border Station | Opposite side | Kind of Vehicle; Type of Border Station |
Opening hours |
Bonisdorf (Bgld.) | Kuzma | Vehicles up to 7,5 t; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
St. Anna (Stmk.) | Kramarovci | Pedestrians, cyclists, Motorbiker up to 125 ccm; Nationals without Visa |
24 hours; |
Sicheldorf (Stmk.) | Gederovci | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Bad Radkersburg (Stmk.) | Gornja Radgona | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Mureck (Stmk.) | Trate | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Weitersfeld (Stmk.) (Murfähre) | Sladki vrh | Pedestrians, cyclists, Motorbiker up to 125 ccm; Nationals without Visa | 24 hours; |
Spielfeld (Stmk.) | Sentilj | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; Oppening hours tolloffice: Mo-Fr: 7 am - 10 pm Sa: 8 am - 12 pm So, Fei: 8 am - 10 pm; |
Langegg (Stmk.) | Jurij | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Großwalz (Stmk.) | Duh | Tourist travel only; EU-Countries, Nationals of Iceland, Liechtenstein und Norway |
24 hours; |
Radlpass (Stmk.) | Radlje ob Dravi | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; +43 59133/ 6106 |
Lavamünd (Knt.) | Vic (Dravograd) | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Leifling (Ktn.) | Libelic | Tourist travel only; EU-Countries, Nationals of Iceland, Liechtenstein und Norway |
24 hours; |
Bleiburg (Ktn.) | Holmec | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Raunjak (Ktn.) | Mezica | Tourist travel only; EU-Countries, Nationals of Iceland, Liechtenstein und Norway |
24 hours; |
Paulitschsattel (Ktn.) | All Kind of Vehicles; EU-Countries, Nationals of Switzerland |
1.4. - 2.11.: 7 - 22h other time winter ban; |
Seebergsattel (Ktn.) | Jezerski vrh | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Loibltunnel (Ktn.) | Ljubelj | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Karawankentunnel (Ktn.) | Karavanke | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Wurzenpass (Ktn.) | Korensko sedlo | All Kind of Vehicles; International border crossing |
24 hours; |
Bgld. = Burgenland, Stmk. = Styria, Ktn. = Carithia
Things to do
Sightseeing & Activities
The Austrian National Tourist Office provides comprehensive and useful information about holidays, sightseeing and acitivities in Austria. The Website is available in many languages: Arabic, English, Chinese, Czech, Croatian, French, Danish, Dutch, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovakian, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish
For more information visit the website of the Austrian National Tourist Office
Local Regulations
Toll Sticker
The toll sticker is compulsory on Austria's motorways and expressways. All cars, motorbikes and camper vans up to 3.5 t technically permissible maximum mass (tpmm) must properly display a toll sticker or have purchased online in time a digital vignette when they drive onto a motorway or expressway. This avoids a possible toll fine of at least 120 euros. Vehicles over 3,5 t tpmm are subject to the toll system for trucks (https://go-maut.at).
Validity period | Motorcycle* | Vehicles up to 3.5 t* |
1-day-ticket*** (valid for one calendar day) |
3,70 EUR | 9,30 EUR |
10-days-ticket |
4,90 EUR | 12,40 EUR |
2-months-ticket |
12,40 EUR | 31,10 EUR |
Annual ticket |
41,50 EUR |
103,80 EUR |
* Motorcycles with two wheels on the rear axle (e.g. trikes) and motorcycles with side car aim for single-lane vehicles and need a toll sticker for motorcycles.
** Trailers do not need a toll sticker.
*** Exclusively available as digital vignette.
More information: Tolling Regulations (Asfinag)
Digital Vignette
Instead of buying a toll sticker it is possible to buy a digital vignette by registering the license plate. The 1-day-ticket is exclusively available in digital format. The digital vignette is available online: https://shop.asfinag.at or at all ÖAMTC offices. Alternatively, it can be bought via the Asfinag-App "Unterwegs" or at many gas stations and tobacco shops.
A9 Pyhrn Autobahn (Gleinalm and Bosruck Tunnel)
Ticket | Price |
One way Gleinalm Tunnel | 11,50 EUR |
One way Bosruck Tunnel | 7 EUR |
Multiple trips ticket | 77,50 EUR |
A10 Tauern Autobahn (Tauern and Katschberg Tunnel)
Ticket | Price |
One way | 14,50 EUR |
Multiple trips ticket |
87 EUR |
A11 Karawanken Autobahn (Karawanken Tunnel)
Ticket | Price |
One way | 8,80 EUR |
Point card* | 39,40 EUR |
* Valid for 14 crossings at the toll station within 30 calendar days.
A13 Brenner Autobahn
Ticket | Price |
One way | 12 EUR |
Multiple trips ticket | 72 EUR |
Sections | |
Innsbruck - Zenzenhof and return / national border Brennerpass - lake Brenner | 1 EUR |
Innsbruck - Patsch and return / national border Brennerpass - Nösslach and return | 3 EUR |
Innsbruck - Stubaital and return | 4 EUR |
Matrei - Brennerpass and return | 6 EUR |
S16 Arlberg Schnellstraße
Ticket | Price |
One way | 12,50 EUR |
Multiple trips ticket | 75 EUR |
The payment of the toll for categories 2, 3 and 4 must be carried out by the electronic toll system (https://go-maut.at)
All prices for category 1 vehicles (vehicles with an technically permissible maximum mass up to 3,5 t, there is no toll duty for trailers which are pulled by multi-lane vehicles and have a maximum overall weight of 3,5 t).
The "GO-BOX" must be carried along in the vehicle.
Section Toll Tickets
On Pyhrn, Tauern or Brenner Autobahn toll can be paid by drivers directly at the tollgates or discharged in advance by a digital section toll ticket. Coming-in vehicles are identified on the video toll lane based on their number-plate and can pass through the tollgate with a speed of about 15 km/h without stopping. Fits for two-lane vehicles (not possible for caravan, car with a trailer or motorbike) with a maximum width of 2,30 m. If the digital section toll system does not identify a vehicle with a valid toll ticket (e.g. because the number-plate is dirty), it will be redirected to an open toll lane where the toll can be paid directly.
More Info (and details to selling points): http://www.videomaut.at (only german)
Scenic Routes, Austrian Mountain Passes
Großglockner High Alpine Road
Opening hours: Beginning of May- 31. May: 6 am - 8 pm;
1. June - 31. August: 5 am - 9.30 pm; 1. September- End of October: 6 am - 7.30 pm
More Infos: www.grossglockner.at
Gerlos Alpine Road / Wonder World of Water
Opening hours: open year-round; Wonder World of Water closed for the winter (end of October until the beginning of May)
More Infos: www.gerlosstrasse.at
Nockalm Road
Opening hours: closed for the winter (end of October until the beginning of May)
More Infos: www.nockalmstrasse.at
Villach Alpine Road
Opening hours: open year-round
More Infos: www.villacher-alpenstrasse.at
Felbertauern Road
Opening hours: open year-round
More Infos: www.felbertauernstrasse.at
Timmelsjoch High Alpine Road
Opening hours: During summer the road is opened daily from 7 am until 8 pm. (Night closure!).
More Infos: www.timmelsjoch.com
Silvretta High Alpine Road
Opening hours: closed for the winter (end of October until the beginning of May)
More Infos: www.silvretta-bielerhoehe.at/de
Traffic regulations
Speed Limits
Built-up areas: 50 km/h
Vehicles | Outside built-up areas | Motorways |
Motorcycles, vehicles up to 3,5 t (camper van) | 100 km/h | 130 km/h* |
Vehicles up to 3,5 t towing a trailer not exceeding 750 kg | 100 km/h | 100 km/h |
Vehicles up to 3,5 t with trailer of a maximum weight exceeding 750 kg (vehicle combination up to 3,5 t) | 80 km/h | 100 km/h |
Vehicles up to 3,5 t with trailer of a maximum weight exceeding 750 kg (vehicle combination exceeding 3,5 t) | 70 km/h | 80 km/h |
Camper Vans, goods vehicles over 3,5, including trailer | 70 km/h | 80 km/h |
*) 110 km/h between 10 pm and 5 am on the following motorways: A10 (Tauern), A12 (Inntal), A13 (Brenner) and A14 (Rheintal)
Blood alcohol level
The maximum permitted level of alcohol in the blood is 0,5. A limit of 0,1 applies to novice drivers holding their driving licence for less than 2 years and for drivers of commercial vehicles.
Seat belts and child restraints
Occupants of all seats equipped with a seat belt (including rear seats) must wear that belt, whether they are visitors or residents.
Children under 14 years old and less than 1,35 m in height travelling in vehicles registered in Austria or abroad must use special seat belts adapted to their size or special child restraints, both at the front and at the rear of the vehicle. Vehicles without such protection (e.g. two seater sports cars or lorries) may not be used at all to transport children under 14 years of age. (This regulation does not apply to buses or to vehicles used to transport school children, or in farming and forestry.). Child restraints in Austria must conform with ECE standard 44/03 or 44/04.
Use of mobile phones
The use of a mobile phone when driving is prohibited. Only hands-free mobile phones may be used when driving.
Warning triangles and first aid kit
All vehicles registered in Austria or abroad must be equipped with a warning triangle and a first-aid kit, which must be in a strong, dirt-proof box.
Safety jacket/waistcoat
Motorists whose vehicles is immobilised on the carriageway outside a built-up area at night, or in poor visibility, must wear a reflectorised jacket (available at ÖAMTC).
Winter tyres
From 1st November to 15 April, vehicles must be fitted with winter tyres if weather conditions so require. These tyres must be fitted on all wheels when roads are covered in snow or ice. The tyres must bear the mark M+S or M&S and have a minimum tread of 4 mm. Alternately, vehicles with summer tyres must have chains, see below.
It is the driver's legal responsibility to carry the required winter equipment; therefore, it is essential to check that it is included in any hire car. This regulation applies to vehicles registered in Austria as well as those registered abroad.
Spiked tyres:
Spiked tyres may be used only on vehicles with steel radial tyres, of a maximum total authorised weight not exceeding 3,500 kg and a maximum axle weight not exceeding 1,800 kg. They must be fitted on all wheels. If the towing vehicle has spiked tyres, the trailer must be fitted with spiked tyres on all wheels.
Spiked tyres may be used only from 1st October to 31 May, though special local regulations may extend this period. These regulations also apply to temporarily imported vehicles.
Vehicles fitted with spiked tyres are subject to special speed limits (80 km/h outside built-up areas, 100 km/h on motorways), and must display at the rear the approved "spiked tyres" sign. This sign is available from the ÖAMTC, petrol stations, etc.
Snow chains:
The use of snow chains is permitted. In extreme conditions the authorities can require cars to be fitted with snow chains on the driving wheels. All-wheel drive vehicles must be fitted with snow chains on at least two driving wheels of the same axle. The international road sign is used. The maximum speed recommended is 50 km/h.
Overview of traffic regulations
To have an overview of important traffic regulations in Austria at hand please download the file stated below:
Austrian currency
Austria belongs to the EURO-currency-area.
Currency regulations
All currencies may be imported and exported without restrictions.
Travelling with EUR 10,000 or more?
Don't forget to declare it!
All travellers entering or leaving the EU with EUR 10,000 or more in cash must declare the sum to Customs in order to comply with European Regulation (EC) No 1889/2005 in force since 15 June 2007. This initiative is introduced for the purpose of assisting the efforts made at EU level to tackle crime and improve security by cracking down on money laundering, terrorism and criminality.
More Information: Federal Ministry Rebuplic of Austria
Pay cash / Pay cashless
Most hotels and shops accept American Express, Eurocard/Mastercard, Diners Club and Visa. All convertible currencies are accepted at the change counters at the airports, in larger hotels, post offices, banks, tourist information bureaus and other official bureaus de change.
All charges are generally included in the total amount of a bill or invoice. In return for good service, for example in restaurants, at the hairdresser's and in taxis, it is customary to give a tip of approximately 10% of the total.
Largergas stations accept international credit cards. In cities and main roads, gas stations are open from 8:00 to 20:00, some around the clock. On highways, they are generally open around the clock.
Fuel prices
Find the cheapest gas station in your area. The fuel price database of the ÖAMTC is fed by the official E-Control database.
LPG (LPG) and CNG (natural gas) filling stations
Here you will find all LPG and CNG gas stations in Austria
Electric Car Charging Station
Here you will find all e-filling stations in Austria.
ÖAMTC Electric Car Charging Points
The ÖAMTC offers recharging options for e-vehicles in numerous locations. At the charging stations, conventional sockets (230V, 16A) are available for the electric vehicles.
Attention: The charging process must be completed 30 minutes before the base is closed.
- 1 January 2024: New Year's Day
- 6 January 2024: Epiphany
- 1 April 2024: Easter Monday
- 1 May 2024:Labour Day
- 9 May 2024: Ascension Day
- 20 May 2024: Whit Monday
- 30 May 2024: Corpus Christi
- 15 August 2024: Assumption of the Virgin Mary
- 26 October 2024: National Holiday
- 1 November 2024: All Saints' Day
- 8 December 2024: Immaculate Conception
- 25-26 December 2024: Christmas
Breakdown service & emergency
Breakdown Service
The ÖAMTC breakdown service can be reached 24 hours on telephone number +43 1 25 120 20.
Emergency Numbers
- Police: +43 133
- Ambulance: +43 144
- Fire brigade: +43 122
- call 112 (Euronotruf)
Road network
The Austrian motorway and highway road network, which is more than 2.000 km long at the moment, is subject to toll duty.
More Infos: www.asfinag.at
Traffic information
For information about current traffic and roadworks visit www.oeamtc.at/routenplaner
International dialing code
to Austria: +43 (plus citycode without "0")
Mobile and car phones
For detailed information on using a mobile phone abroad, please contact your network operator.
Important addresses
ÖAMTC Headquarter
Baumgasse 129
A-1030 Vienna
Tel. +43 (0)1 711 99-0
E-mail: office@oeamtc.at
Internet: www.oeamtc.at and www.autotouring.at
Austrian Campingclub (ÖCC)
Baumgasse 129
A-1030 Vienna
Tel. +43 (0)1 713 61 51
E-mail: office@campingclub.at
Internet: www.campingclub.at
Austrian National Tourist Office / Austrian Tourism
austria.info Holiday Service Center
Tel. 00800 400 200 00 (free of charge: Germany, Austria and Switzerland)
Fax 0810 10 18 19
E-mail: urlaub@austria.info
Internet: www.austria.info